Saturday, August 28, 2010


when life getting harder and you just need to face them alone. what are you gonna do?
it just happen like that. i cant controlled my self from this heavy moody head and it almost ruin everything esp my nearby-life (family).

i start to blaming my self to everything, cant controlled my anger, yelling, fullspeed driving, and feels like everything was going so wrong, just like not what i meant to be and i hate it. there's alot of things to do, tasks, editing, college and so much more and i just feel like im not (in) my self recently and i cant handle my self. im to depressed and been pushed so hard.

when i start blaming someone for being my perfect-life-ruiner and i just cant stop blamming it to him/her. then i start to back to my old bad habit and it works well. i dont care what they said about me and it dont really matter. i just need my life back. stop this angerness and start everything from the beggining.

talked about boys around. please dont judge me anything IF YOU DONT EVER know about it well. i watched your mouth and THANKS for embberased-off me in front of them, its not neccesarry but your jokes umm i think it hurts me well.

i missed being happy and peacefull. i need refreshing so bad i guess.
but today, thankyou for both Fitra Armela and ice chocolate that help me right ;')

"When you try your best, but you don't succeed

When you get what you want, but not what you need

When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep

Stuck in reverse..."

coldplay-fix you

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hallo Semester 3.
Setelah mengalami banyaak banget hal dari setahun lalu sampai hari ini udah di semester 3 aja dan bener-bener engga kerasa. Biasanya awal-awal semeseter itu adalah waktu yang tepat buat bikin "To-do List" selama satu semester kedepan such as, good mark, absent etc.

i'd enjoy it well. selain karena bisa sekelas dengan my Binalling, kelas yang engga begitu padat dan 8 matakuliah dengan masing-masingnya 3 sks yang bakal bikin ngos-ngosan sampai setengah tahun terakhir bakal kami rasain bareng-bareng, karena notabanenya rata-rata lebih banyak tugas kelompoknya di semester kali ini.

ohya, di Fisipol UGM itu penjurusannya mulai semester 3, dan saya dengan mantap mengambil Komunikasi Strategis buat jenjang yang lebih serius kuliah di jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi ini hehe :)

semoga bisa lah lebih baik dari yang kemarin-kemarin.

ayok mulai semangatnya dari sekarang aja deh.

fasten my seat belt on and im ready

Monday, August 16, 2010


August 15 - 16, 2010
KRS week itu masa-masanya dimana umpatam keluar, nasip selama satu semester dipertaruhkan, koneksi dan browser disalahkan. yak, semacam balada KRS week.
Semalaman memandangi layar dengan tulisan "Bukan Masa KRS atau Revisi" atau "Gateway Timeout" sudah jadi langganan di tiap waktunya KRS. Dan lagi, tombol F5 sering jadi korban karena nya.

Sampai detik ini, saya masih menunggu sampai pukul 06.00 atas dasar kabar burung yang beredar bahwa portal untuk FISIPOL baru akan dibuka sekitar pukul tersebut (padahal saya sudah berada di portal sekitar pukul 00.00). Oke, ini puasa, jadi semua terasa semakin banyak "godaan"nya. ditambah tuntutan panitia Ospek Jurusan yang mengharuskan tiba dikampus pada pukul 8 pagi.

Semoga saja jeda waktu 2 jam cukup dan 'sanggup' mengatur nasip saya selama satu semester kedepan (yak, semester tiiga dan semua berjalan begitu saja).
Portal Please be Nice!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Demi Curve by Levis® Curve ID

These Awesome Stuff are perfectly Fit in Me :))
its Demi Curve by
Levis® Curve ID

♥ ♥ ♥

Saturday, August 14, 2010


trully sweet and inspired :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010


i just working on it. 'Proposal Kegiatan - Seminar Nasional'
i need inspiration to make this stuff done by tommorow and im quite hopeless ;(
this morning i just went back to Jogja after visiting my dentist on Surabaya.
from the day before, i just lef tsome "to-do list" that must be done before it definetly time.
i'd split of my mind, word and everything. im so tired by the way.
now im trying to controlling my self out to work on this proposal and enjoying this delicious Oreo.
what a tiring day...
Happy Fasting for all :))

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


these two are adorably beautifull
me just l♥ve them.

can i have any other pairs new shoes mom ..?
(of course not, i just bought 3 other pairs)
i will put them on my wishing list
sst.. dont tell mom..

Jeffrey Cambell Charlie Clogs

Pony Skin Wedge Shoe by FINSK

Monday, August 9, 2010


"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."
-Coco Chanel

immortal mellow

"Secretly I’ve been in love with you, From the dawn of the days where the vampire roams, But you just couldn’t see it, I won’t appear on your mirror..."

my favorite line on, Immortal Mellow by Adhitia Sofyan
lovable :-)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Adhitia Sofyan.

now downloading..
Adhitia Sofyan's second album, Forget Your Plans

i always love Adhitia Sofyan


di albumnya yang sebelumnya Quite Down (you can download this album by clicking it) always be my favorite cd's ever and always placed next to Endah N Rheza Cd's in my car ;p

sangat easy listening dan enjoy it much much much..

im listening into it while driving along the town. his sound, guitar, seems too perfect to be listen to bright up your day :)